Mirai Circus Network - MiCiNet

「自分でサーカスの作品を創りたい、発信したい!」と考える人が着実に増えてきました。ですが、創作や発表にまつわる日本での環境はまだまだ発展途上です。稽古場、創作のノウハウ、資金、公演機会など、それぞれの団体がもっている情報や人脈を活用できれば、可能性は広がり、クオリティの向上も望めます。日本の現代サーカスの未来の姿を思い描き、有志が集まって、横の繋がりをつくりたい。それがMirai Circus Networkです。
The number of people who want to create and share their own circus works has been steadily increasing. However, the environment for creation and presentation in Japan is still developing. By utilizing the information and connections that each organization possesses, such as rehearsal spaces, creative know-how, funding, and performance opportunities, we can expand possibilities and improve quality. We want to envision the future of contemporary circus in Japan, gather volunteers, and create horizontal connections. That is the Mirai Circus Network.


We are working on a database with the aim of "visualizing" the contemporary circus scene in Japan.