日本現代サーカスハンドブック Vol.1 「開門」を発行しました - Handbook of Contemporary Circus in Japan Vol.1 "Kaimon" published
Mirai Circus Networkは、セゾン文化財団様の助成を受け、日本の現代サーカスシーンを「見える化」することを目指し、データベースの作成を進めています。

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Mirai Circus Network is working on a database with the aim of "visualizing" the contemporary circus scene in Japan.
The contents of the database were compiled and published as a booklet on September 15, 2023.
The data for this booklet can be downloaded from the link below.

Volume One will showcase particularly those with substantial involvement in the origins and growth of contemporary circus in Japan, while subsequent volumes will illustrate the movement in this new era. We hope that this handbook will assist those involved in contemporary circus in Japan and make their names known both within Japan and overseas.
This handbook was produced with the support of the Creative Environment Innovation grant of the SAISON Foundation.